SSI is committed to serving our community, and we need your help!
Each November, The Great Turkey Drive collects donations to purchase complete holiday meals – every tax deductible $38 donation received enables us to donate a turkey dinner* to a family in need this Christmas. South Shore Insurance will match all donations “Turkey for Turkey” until a meal is provided for every family in need in Baldwin County this holiday season. Since 2014, this annual turkey drive has met or exceeded our goal of providing a meal to every family in need in Baldwin County. It is through your generosity that we are able to expand our efforts to organizations who serve these families during the holidays and all year long.
Every donation will receive a printed receipt for your tax preparer. THANK YOU for your help in providing meals to families in need this holiday season!
*Includes: one 10-12 lb turkey or ham, corn, green beans, chicken broth, cream of mushroom soup, stuffing, potatoes, French fried onions, macaroni and cheese, gravy mix, brownie mix