PRCA Mobile Toolkit- Pitch Perfect
June 23, 2017
8:00 AM - 2:00 PM CDT
Event Description:
Join PRCA Mobile for the annual professional development event where we're giving you all the tools you need to make your pitch perfect every time! Attendees will hear from industry experts and learn valuable takeaways to assist with pitching to the media, clients, employees - you name it! Speakers include: -Kaitlyn Wylie of Google -Jennifer Bond of Baton Rouge-based Bond Moroch -Jeff Roberts of Yellowhammer Coffee -Todd Hall of LLAHDDOT Creative Works -Jarrett McCraw and Stephean Grimes of Mighty Register online now to secure early bird pricing until May 31st:;jsessionid=2C1BAA7B0171C549EE3ECAE4CA387A76?oeidk=a07edyow9iyde9392d0&oseq&c&ch