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Medical Fund/Funeral Expenses Benefit for Steve Comalander

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Name: Medical Fund/Funeral Expenses Benefit for Steve Comalander
Date: December 4, 2016
Time: 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM CST
Event Description:
Benefit to assist with remaining medical bills and Funeral expenses for Steve Comalander. On October 3, 2016, Steve Comalander passed away in his home surrounded by family from cancer. He received the diagnosis on September 5, 2016. He had been a survivor of stage 3 colon cancer for 6 years prior to his diagnosis. Tickets for the draw down for a chance to win a cash prize of $2500.00 are $50 and include one fish plate at the event. Without a draw down ticket, plates are $8.00.
Oak Hollow Farm
Date/Time Information:
December 4, 2016 Noon to 4pm.
Contact Information:
Stephanie Comalander or Robert&Irene Comalander (Blue Marlin restaurant)
Free admission, but lunch plates are $8.00. There will also be a silent auction/raffle (prices to be determined). Draw down tickets go on sale Monday Oct 24th, 2016 for $50.00.
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