GSUMC Trumpet Concert
September 15, 2013
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM CDT

Event Description:
Dr. Michael R. Brown will be featured in a trumpet and piano concert at Gulf Shores United Methodist Church on Sunday, September 15th at 2:30 pm in the church’s sanctuary (1900 Gulf Shores Parkway). The concert is free and open to the public. A love offering will be collected.
The concert embraces classical, sacred, and jazz music. Other featured artists include Dr. Brown’s associate Lauren Zumwalt (piano), GSUMC Worship Arts Director Cody Johnson (vocal), and GSUMC members Ed Hall (drums) and Clif Jones (saxophone).
Dr. Brown serves as the Head of the Music Department and Professor of Music at The Mississippi State University in Starkville, Mississippi. A native Georgian, he holds undergraduate degrees from Emmanuel College and Berry College and the Masters and Doctorate in Music Education from The University of Georgia.
Additionally, Dr. Brown serves as Music Director of the Starkville Symphony Orchestra and Brass Ensemble Director at the Starkville First United Methodist Church. His publications include The Instrumentalist, the International Trumpet Guild Journal, Teaching Music, Faculty Dialogue, Decision, a trumpet textbook, two music appreciation texts, a textbook on the history of rock music, and a textbook on American music.
Lauren Zumwalt has served as accompanist for her high school choral department and church pianist for Highland Baptist, Laurel; First United Methodist, Magee; and First United Methodist, Starkville. She is a graduate of the University of Southern Mississippi with a BSBA in Accounting, a Certified Public Accountant, and is employed as Fiscal Officer of the College of Veterinary Medicine at Mississippi State University.
For more information, call the church office at 251-968-2411 or visit their website at The public is always welcome at GSUMC.
The concert embraces classical, sacred, and jazz music. Other featured artists include Dr. Brown’s associate Lauren Zumwalt (piano), GSUMC Worship Arts Director Cody Johnson (vocal), and GSUMC members Ed Hall (drums) and Clif Jones (saxophone).
Dr. Brown serves as the Head of the Music Department and Professor of Music at The Mississippi State University in Starkville, Mississippi. A native Georgian, he holds undergraduate degrees from Emmanuel College and Berry College and the Masters and Doctorate in Music Education from The University of Georgia.
Additionally, Dr. Brown serves as Music Director of the Starkville Symphony Orchestra and Brass Ensemble Director at the Starkville First United Methodist Church. His publications include The Instrumentalist, the International Trumpet Guild Journal, Teaching Music, Faculty Dialogue, Decision, a trumpet textbook, two music appreciation texts, a textbook on the history of rock music, and a textbook on American music.
Lauren Zumwalt has served as accompanist for her high school choral department and church pianist for Highland Baptist, Laurel; First United Methodist, Magee; and First United Methodist, Starkville. She is a graduate of the University of Southern Mississippi with a BSBA in Accounting, a Certified Public Accountant, and is employed as Fiscal Officer of the College of Veterinary Medicine at Mississippi State University.
For more information, call the church office at 251-968-2411 or visit their website at The public is always welcome at GSUMC.