April First Friday Forum Sponsored by: Crye-Leike Gulf Coast Real Estate & Vacation Rentals
April 2, 2021
7:20 AM - 9:00 AM CDT
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Event Description:
Please join us for our April First Friday Forum sponsored by Crye-Leike Gulf Coast Real Estate & Vacation Rentals.
Our program for the morning will be an informational presentation & discussion with Tom Clark of the Perdido Pass Bridge Lighting Project.
*First Friday Forum is a monthly networking and breakfast meeting open to members of the Coastal Alabama Business Chamber. Breakfast is sponsored by a chamber member and the speaking portion of the program consists of Chamber updates and a guest speaker to discuss a topic relevant to our area*
Our program for the morning will be an informational presentation & discussion with Tom Clark of the Perdido Pass Bridge Lighting Project.
*First Friday Forum is a monthly networking and breakfast meeting open to members of the Coastal Alabama Business Chamber. Breakfast is sponsored by a chamber member and the speaking portion of the program consists of Chamber updates and a guest speaker to discuss a topic relevant to our area*